Know your role in facilitating and enabling successful return-to-school for students after a concussion
There are many different individuals who can be a Concussion Champion and help students return-to-school after a concussion. These individuals can include the school board staff, administrators (e.g. principals), teachers, families, student peers and healthcare professionals. It is important for you to be aware of what you and others can do to be a Concussion Champion.
The puzzle illustrates some of the different individuals who can be a Concussion Champion:

* The education system roles have been adapted from the York Region District School Boards Board’s Procedure #662.10 Concussion Management document.
Read this
To learn more about your role and the role of others, read Parachute Canada’s ‘Know your role’ resource.
Do not let a student or peer return to play if they have or think they have a concussion. Instead, encourage them to tell a trusted adult and get medical help.