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Concussion policy/protocol: Does your school have one?

Concussion policy/protocol: Does your school have one?

Many schools are being mandated to develop, maintain and implement concussion policies. Concussion policies provide guiding principles that inform decision making regarding concussion practices in the school. These guiding principles are implemented as a protocol. Protocols identify what to do when a student has a concussion, when these steps should be taken and who can help.

Use this flow chart to help you find out if your school or school board has a concussion policy and/or protocol.

icon of lightbulb

Does your school have a concussion policy and/or protocol in place?

multiple arrows indicating options
graphic indicating yes


  • Become familiar with the policy/protocol and how to use it in your school context.
  • Speak to others in your school that have used this policy/protocol and learn from their experiences.
  • Once familiar with the policy/protocol, start using it!
graphic indicating do not know

Don't know?

Not sure if your school board or school has a concussion policy/protocol? Ask your principal or school administrator!

graphic indicating no


Looking for guidance on how to create a concussion policy or protocol? Here are some resources that might help: