Teachers and school staff, Before and after school care providers, Family
Review this list to see what your role is and what you can do to be a Concussion Champion. Know and understand the roles of others around you so you can work together to optimally support youth returning to school following a concussion.

Teachers and school staff
- Participate in concussion management training
- Take appropriate action (as outlined by the school’s protocol) if a student is suspected to have a concussion (e.g. student supervised until picked up a family member)
- Take appropriate action (as outlined by the school’s protocol) if a student is diagnosed with a concussion
- If a physician or nurse practitioner has indicated that a student does not have a concussion, allow the student to resume regular learning and physical activities
- Know and understand:
- strategies to minimize the risk of concussion
- signs and symptoms of concussion
- steps to follow if a student is suspected to have a concussion
- concussion management policies and protocols for guiding the students’ return-to-school and physical activity after a diagnosed concussion
- Only a physician or nurse practitioner can diagnose a concussion

- Inform the school if their child has a concussion or is experiencing symptoms of a concussion
- If their child has a suspected concussion:
- know that the child will be removed from physical activity even if the student states that they are feeling better
- arrange to pick up the child
- understand that their child should be examined by a physician or nurse practitioner as soon as possible and that the school’s concussion management protocol should be completed
- Understand that their child should rest and be monitored for 24-48 hours, as signs and symptoms may take hours or days to appear
- Communicate with the school team as much as possible. Share medical updates, determine appropriate school supports and share observations throughout the recovery process
- Understand that if no concussion is diagnosed, the student may resume regular learning and physical activities unless symptoms reappear
- Know that the student will follow the concussion management protocol as outlined by the school
Before and after school care providers
- Be aware of the concussion management policy and protocol
- Take appropriate action if a student is suspected or diagnosed with a concussion

Do not let a student or peer return to play if they have or think they have a concussion. Instead, encourage them to tell a trusted adult and get medical help.
* The education system roles have been adapted from the York Region District School Boards Board’s Procedure #662.10 Concussion Management document.